Catalogo Sprinty

6 La stampa - The printing La gommatura - The gumming Why buy Sprinty, why buy Italian STYLE Sprinty has also become part of the Italian tradition known for its style all over the world. Our customers admire us precisely because they recognize our Italian spirit. ORIGINALITY As soon as we entered the market, we were attacked and copyed by competitors, but we remained faithful to our original formula and our entire production process made the difference. Our continuous creativity leaves no time for us to be copied. We are unpredictable, we are Sprinty. QUALITY Our raw materials produced in Italy are selected with extreme care and every detail is contemplated. RELIABILITY We have been in this sector for over 60 years and have a warehouse with over 10,000 square meters available for restocking. Sprinty is now our vocation and we are proud of it. We have grown in recent years thanks also to the home textile sector and we have no intention of giving up. SPENDWELL BUYING ITALIAN Sprinty is a product of extreme quality and this allows us to be satisfied with our sales and feedback from our customers. One Sprinty leads to another and you will never stop wanting to renew the look of your kitchen! Rimaniamo al passo con i tempi e le tendenze, rinnoviamo la nostra collezione due volte all'anno per dare alla casa un aspetto diverso secondo la stagione. Il nostro genio creativo ci permette di essere versatili. Vogliamo colpire la fantasia dei nostri clienti. I disegni Sprinty sono elaborati con sofisticate tecniche di disegno digitale e sono frutto di elaborazioni creative difficilmente riproducibili. In constant evolution We keep up with the times and trends, we renew our collection twice a year to give the house a different look according to the season. Our creative genius allows us to be versatile. We want to strike the imagination of our customers. Sprinty designs are elaborated with sophisticated digital drawing techniques and are the result of creative elaborations which are difficult to reproduce. In continua evoluzione Choose Sprinty, choose the style!