Kobel - Catalogo Flywood 2020

7 KOBEL PENSIERO VERDE KOBEL THINKING GREEN Verde è il colore del futuro dei nostri figli, l’insegnamento del rispetto del mondo in cui viviamo. Questoper Kobel significaprivilegiareproduzioni ecosostenibili, scelte tecniche responsabili, quali carte riciclate, risorse rinnovabili, materiali organici, riciclabili e riciclati. Significa utilizzare olii di finitura naturali, orientandoci alla migliore qualità ecologica con il minor impatto ambientale. Green is the future of our children, it means teaching them to respect the world in which we live and ultimately paying respect to ourselves and to future generations. For Kobel it also means supporting environmentally sustainable processes and choosing responsible techniques, like recycled paper, renewable resources along with organic, recyclable and recycled materials. It also means using natural finishing oils and being generally oriented to providing the best eco-friendly quality with minimum environmental impact. P E R S O N A L I T À V E R D E